Monday, May 25, 2009

The awkward drama continues

So, like many people, I have been ADDICTED to the Jon & Kate Gosselin drama! I live for this shit. Who knows how I first started watching the show- its not "DVR" material but I'll watch it periodically when its on. I, unfortunately, got suckered into watching the entire marathon alll day today. And then I watched the season premiere and it was everything that I had dreamed of- a sufficiently awkward pissing match. Who loves the kids more, who is around more, blah blah. While I LOVED the fact that they were both (well more Kate, but whatevs) open about everything that was going on it- it was really sad. Why would you tell the whole world your husband's issues? And Jon was basically acting like the little kid that got caught stealing candy, and now hates everyone for getting caught.
I basically think that Kate is half evil- however she's honest about that side of her and I give kadooze to that. I also acknowledge the fact that if I had 8 kids- I would be bat shit crazy AND evil. I always felt bad for Jon, she is mean to him and he lets her get away with it. In the end, I actually don't think that he technically "cheated" on her. I'm sure he was hanging out with that ugly chick, and debated hooking up with her, but didn't. These are my educated assumptions. 
What I also can't get over is how famous they've gotten! How did this even happen? I JUST saw a commercial for like an E! special about "Jon and Kate, Twisted Fate"...
Anyways, I have 783456 shows that recorded tonight that I have to get through.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Rihanna was spotted making out with Jimmy from Degrassi! I love him! Remember when he got shot in the back which paralyzed his legs. But he still overcame all of the stereotypes of people with disabilities. He coached basketball, and I'm fairly sure he underwent some kind of surgery which cured him. Either way- he was such an inspiration. Degrassi is the best. show. ever. There was even an episode with a penis pump! You don't get that kind of scandalous shit on American kid shows. 

I actually watched this entire video

That loser Spencer twittered something about this video. And of course I clicked on it, and of course I watched the whole thing. I will never get that 3:53 back. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I can die happy

The Real Housewives Reunion Part #1 was amazing. Where do I begin? God I love Andy Cohen for hitting every single media rumor that had been out there. First of all, I actually didn't hate LuAnn for once. She actually responded to the divorce questions and even went into it a little bit. Bethenny is hilarious as always- she can do no wrong. Jill also gets kadooze for calling out Ramona in her web of lies. Ramona gets the silver medal in the "Bat Shit Crazy" awards and I'm fairly sure that she has tourettes. Alex needs to never laugh again because I can't handle that awkward inhaling "laugh." But thank God they finally created their "Silex" shirts! I cannot wait to get one...
 And then we come to Kelly. Its no secret that EVERYONE HATES HER. I despised this one since the moment she first opened her giant bottom jawed mouth and crazy gibberish came out. This reunion show was no different. She did not directly answer the question about her abuse scandal, but she did tell some long winded story about NOTHING and I'm not quite sure it was even English. And I did re watch (maybe 7 times) the part when she said "The grass isn't always matter how much fertilizer you have." WTF? I hate her. What an idiot. 

More posts to come

...We must discuss the Real Housewives Reunion Part #1. But I do not have time right now. Putting out fires. AKA its lunch time. But I leave you with Lilo's emaciated arm...I want it.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ha, Kadooze

Ramona is the worst. I almost died when I saw this "Kadooze to all of us" really? What exactly does that mean? I cannot WAIT for the reunion. Ramona twittered something a couple weeks ago about how it "took her a week to recover from the verbal abuse" of the reunion taping. Awesome.
In other news, I am actually starting to like Simon. I know. He's awful. I have hated him since last year, but I'm starting to think that he's one of the funniest gay men on TV. Plus he has a super hot bod.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Congrats Kate!

Another good friend from High School has gotten engaged! Now 3 out of the 6 of us girlfriends is engaged. So excited for her and Nick!
Check out her AMAZING ring!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I know, I'm the worst

I've been really MIA and my only explanation for this is that I've sort of been busy. Even though I've been moving for perhaps 3 weeks straight, I'm still not 100% organized. And I've had help.
A couple weeks ago it was decided that my room had to be painted a different color, as the glossy ugly blue was just too dark. So that entailed a trip to the Home Depot (my nightmare) and me blindly picking out colors in the sea foam color palate. I then needed primer (whatever that is) and certain brushes, tape, etc. Who knows that I bought but I left there $90 poorer and completely clueless. In the end I was banned from actually painting even the primer, as well as the paint (although I was allowed to paint the inside of the closet white).
Since then I have been moving my stuff in slowly but surely. My room is a lot smaller, but taking off the closet floor and installing a curtain rod, made everything fit. I thank Wendy for watching her fair share of HGTV.
I tried a cleanse one week. That lasted a couple days, and then I was over it.
Then 2 weekends ago, the boyfriend (aka Pepaw) turned...old... We had a delightful dinner at Le Colonial.
I then turned 25 last Wednesday. Went out to a delicious dinner at Capital Grille. I've been eating out for like the past month straight, and I now feel morbidly obese. So this week begins emaciation.
Throw in a costume party, a bridal shower, a cubs game in 3rd row seats, being sans internet and tv for the past week (I cannot handle it) and there you have my absence explained!