Friday, May 8, 2009

Ha, Kadooze

Ramona is the worst. I almost died when I saw this "Kadooze to all of us" really? What exactly does that mean? I cannot WAIT for the reunion. Ramona twittered something a couple weeks ago about how it "took her a week to recover from the verbal abuse" of the reunion taping. Awesome.
In other news, I am actually starting to like Simon. I know. He's awful. I have hated him since last year, but I'm starting to think that he's one of the funniest gay men on TV. Plus he has a super hot bod.

1 comment:

Everyday Adventures said... the commentary on RHNYC!! I didnt understand the kadooze line either!! Simon's pants were quite outrageous last episode...I dont know how his wife lets him out of the house !!! lol Cant wait to watch the reunion as well!!