Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dirty Whore!

My emotions are torn. My first idea about Gretchen was that she was a giant skank. Then I watched more of the show, saw her with her pepaw and decided that maybe she was genuine after all. Then at the reunion when Tamra called her out, I questioned her yet again. And now after seeing this shit of her with that loser pussy known at Slade Smiley- I am going to spend my day writing her hate mail. Did she miss the entire season of Real Housewives when Slade cried maybe 59 times? And how did she miss Date My Ex, where Slade looked as though he aged a couple decades? I do not want to see either of these two douche bags on the next season (and by that I mean I'll always watch). Dlisted has way more hideous photos of these two.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ugh ... I'd like to see her cry herself outta this one! I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, too - until Tamara called her out!