Friday, November 28, 2008

I love shopping...

Happy day after Thanksgiving everyone! I hope that everyone ate more than should be allowed. So I finally made it home Wednesday after nearly a 4 hour trip home. Its a long story, but we did get to check out the lovely Hyde Park.
The first thing that I did when I got home on Wednesday was study the many sale flyers strewn across the kitchen table. After thinking about it for a while, I decided against standing outside of Best Buy at 2am for a new computer. Not worth it. However, I did decide that it was worth it to go to Target at 5:45am for a camera. So my mother and I got up and headed over to Target (sans egg mcmuffin :( ). It actually wasn't that bad, believe it or not! There was a long line outside the store, but we got there only a few minutes before it opened. I headed straight to find the $89 Kodak camera. Yes, this will be perhaps my 5th or 6th camera. I seem to have really bad luck with cameras (even worse than computers). After the Target madhouse we also went to Kohls, Express, DSW etc. I love the deals!! So does the whole family:
Mom got right to work with her new purchase....Dad spent his morning at the luxurious Home Depot and came home to play with his new power drill...

Jay got up bright and early to go... oh no wait, I woke him up at 12:30...
Bruiser stole Amber's bed, forcing her to curl up in his bed. Ha, he is pure evil. The rest of the day I have spent making a soup with the leftover turkey, and watching MTV True Life: I can't Stay Skinny...Don't be jealous!

1 comment:

mykul said...


Must must must must own!