Monday, November 24, 2008

Heidi Pratt...

Welp. Apparently these two classy people eloped in Mexico on Nov. 20th. And LUCKILY Spencer kept that handsome crotch hair beard for the pictures! There were no parents there, but somehow Us Weekly was able to get exclusive rights... I mean, that's true love- No family, just the press around. Apparently the whole ceremony cost $4,150 plus tax. (I love how they added the "plus tax" in there). Her dress was really flowy...meaning I bet one crisp dollar bill on the fact that she's pregnant. Head over to ONTD for close ups. Ugh. What a way to ruin a Monday.


Bayjb said...

It's just so unholy. I didn't want it to be true but it appears to be. All I can say is, they totally deserve one another.

Jen K said...

Aren't they AWFUL!? Yeah, I can't stop watching either, its like a train wreck. Thanks for following my blog!!